Student behaviour

Direction and guidance on supporting and managing safe, responsible and respectful student behaviour in NSW public schools.


All NSW public schools (excluding preschools).

Student behaviour includes behaviour that occurs:

Changes since previous update

Version Date Description of changes Approved by
V05.0.0 30/01/2024 Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, updated to reflect the department's focus on positive behaviour approaches, safe practices and inclusive education. Clarifies definitions and expectations for students and staff. Added definition of bullying and wording to reflect the consolidation of the Bullying of Students - Prevention and Response policy into the Student behaviour policy. Deputy Secretary, Learning Improvement

Document history

2023 Sep 13 - updated policy statement and implementation documents, Detention and Time-Out Guidelines , School Behaviour Support and Management Plan guide and Student Behaviour Procedures Kindergarten to Year 12 to repair hyperlinks.

2023 Apr 21 - removed link to related document Student Behaviour Strategy as the document is no longer in use.

2022 Oct 10 - updated the policy statement, changing its name from 'Student Discipline in Government Schools' to 'Student Behaviour'. The updated policy emphasises practices to promote positive behaviour in schools. It focuses on supporting students across the care-continuum through a strategic, integrated, whole-school approach. It aims to strengthen the system of support for students and staff to create respectful learning and working environments that promote engagement and wellbeing. Supporting documents have been updated and strengthened to help schools implement the updated policy.

The changes will affect the way principals and school staff manage student behaviour, including important changes in the procedures

The following implementation documents were updated:

The 'Guidelines for behaviour management decisions made under previous policy and procedures' was added as an implementation document.

The following implementation documents were removed:

2019 Aug 22 - Updated contact details made to policy statement and implementation documents.

2018 Sept - Hyperlink for Bullying of Students Prevention and Response Policy updated.

Superseded documents

Good Discipline and Effective Learning: Ministerial Statement, 1995