Town of babylon pay property taxes

Property Viewer Disclaimer Notice

This web site is provided to you free of charge. While the Town of Babylon uses its best efforts to maintain this web site to be current and accurate, the site is not intended as “official” information, and as such does not attempt to speak for the Town of Babylon or the Assessor’s Office. The Town of Babylon makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or content of information, and is not responsible for the results of any defects or misinformation that may be found to exist, or for lost profits or consequential damages which may result from such defects or misinformation.

You should not assume that this web site is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.

Any unauthorized attempt to upload information or change information on this web site is prohibited. All attempts will be investigated and/or reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The use and/or dissemination of the information contained herein is at your own risk.

If there is a question regarding the information provided or if you need verification of an item contained in the site, please address all inquiries to the Town of Babylon’s Performance Management Office during business hours at 3-1-1 or (631) 957-TOWN or by mail at 200 East Sunrise Highway Lindenhurst, NY 11757.

If there is a question regarding the tax information provided, please address those questions to the Receiver of Taxes office at 631-957-3004.

This site is for Information Only. The Tax information may or may not be current. Only by contacting the Receiver of Taxes office at 631-957-3004 will you be assured of getting the current tax information.

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